ICRD highlights from day four: Human health, migration, and the goal of equitability

The fourth day of ICRD 2017 began with two stimulating keynote speeches, one on global health, and the other on movement of human populations.

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ICRD HIGHLIGHTS FROM DAY THREE: Governance of Contested Natural Resources

Moderated by Dr. Carin Smaller of the International Institute for Sustainable Development in Geneva, the third day of ICRD 2017 began with two keynote speeches by Erle Ellis and Jun Borras. Ms. Smaller asked our speakers: “How we can bridge the gap between the reality we are currently in and the vision of Agenda 2030?” […]

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ICRD Highlights from Day Two: Financing sustainable development to end poverty

Moderated by Thomas Breu, Director of the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, the second day of the ICRD started with two inspiring keynotes on how to finance sustainable development. Michael Gerber, Ambassador and Swiss Special Envoy for Global Sustainable Development, spoke first. Mr. Gerber drew attention to the current international agreement […]

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ICRD highlights from day one: Closing the gap between science and policy

Highlights from day one included keynote speeches by Esther Mwangi and Esther Turnhout. The debate emphasized the importance of bringing research and policymaking together to aid transformations towards sustainability.  

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The SDG See-Saw

What happens when work towards one goal hinders progress on another? Ask the person next to you to help you balance the SDGs on the circular see-saw in the garden of the University of Bern’s UniS Building. Let this activity inspire you to encourage sustained engagement towards a shared framework that works! Concept, design, and […]

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Videos of ICRD keynote debates

Videos of ICRD 2017 keynote discussions are available for viewing. Speakers offered stimulating contributions in four keynote debates on science-policy partnerships for transformation, financing sustainable development to end poverty, governance of contested natural resources, and health, migration and global justice.    

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The Conference4me smartphone app with information about ICRD 2017 is online now. Conference4me is a tool to help you plan your participation. It enables you to browse the complete programme directly on your phone or tablet and create your very own agenda. The app is available for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone devices. To download […]

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Swiss Online Course on Conflict Sensitivity

SDC, Helvetas/Swiss Intercooperation, HEKS/EPER, CARITAS, and swisspeace presented their jointly developed “Swiss Online Course on Conflict Sensitivity” in a side event of the ICRD:  Wednesday, 6 September, 18.00, Room A 024 UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern, ground floor/entrance, behind the lounge Designed for individuals and organizations engaging in development cooperation, humanitarian aid, peacebuilding, and research, […]

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Musician Mario Batkovic at ICRD 2017

Mario Batkovic, a Swiss solo accordion player born in Bosnia, will perform at the ICRD’s cultural event at Heitere Fahne. He is a fully established artist in Switzerland, working for many different musicians as a producer, as well as being involved in many bands and projects. Batkovic was awarded the Artist Recognition Award from the […]

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Meet CGIAR scientists at ICRD 2017

With the aim of strengthening collaboration between Swiss scientific institutions and CGIAR (Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres), SDC has invited 16 directors of CGIAR research programmes to attend the conference. Four side events will provide an overview of current trends in CGIAR research, along with the opportunity to discuss them and to make personal […]

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Keynote debates and plenary dialogues

Keynote debates and plenary dialogues at the ICRD 2017 bring together all conference participants twice a day to reflect on an overall daily theme. The keynote debates offer stimulating inputs from keynote speakers and debaters and provide a platform for interdisciplinary exchange. The dialogues focus on interaction between the debaters and the audience and provide […]

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