The Micro-Politics of Gender and Violent Conflict

Elisabeth Prügl, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland A proliferating literature has documented a correlation between gender inequality and the likelihood for countries to handle conflicts violently. Although the relationship appears to be robust, there are few convincing explanations for this correlation. This panel draws upon an indepth analysis of empirical qualitative […]

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Making Trade More Inclusive

Marcelo Olarreaga, University of Geneva   This session will address how trade can be made more inclusive and sustainable by spreading the benefits from global more evenly.  It is sometimes argued that trade, and globalization more generally, only benefit large firms, and individuals at the top of the income distribution. In this session, we will […]

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Being defined by past location: displaced communities, conflict memories, and the right to return

Guy Elcheroth1, Esther Surenthiraraj2, Nadine Nibigira3, Sandra Penic1 1University of Lausanne, Switzerland; 2International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Sri Lanka; 3Hope Africa University, Burundi   Collective memories of violent conflict often play a pivotal role in the complex relationships between communities of forcibly displaced people and their host communities. Specific memories that circulate within long-term displaced […]

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The role of norms in peace processes

Sara Hellmueller1, Thania Paffenholz2, Jamie Pring1, Julia Palmiano Federer1, Dana Landau2 1swisspeace; 2Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative   The role of norms in international peace processes is growing. Peace mediators, peacekeepers, humanitarians and other actors are increasingly expected to incorporate or uphold a growing set of norms in their interventions. For instance, norms such as […]

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Conflict transformation and peace-building research contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 16

Remko Berkhout1, Claudia Zingerli2 1transition compagnions, Austria; 2Swiss National Science Foundation   In the r4d Forum Social Conflicts of September 2016, the 3 three consortia of the Social Conflicts Module of the r4d programme explored opportunities for synthesis, synergy and mutual learning. Together with experts from the review panel, the consortia identified SDG goal 16 […]

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From the Grassroots to the Treetop: Addressing Fragility through a Shift from Traditional Authorities to Elite Settlements?

Dominik Balthasar, swisspeace, Switzerland   At the turn of the millennium, the prevailing image of Africa was one of a continent struck by ‘vicious circles’ of conflict and violence. Even though past years witnessed the emergence of an ‘Africa rising’ narrative, indexes on African states paint a perturbing picture of the continent, which is allegedly […]

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Behavioural “fixes” for inclusive business: creating the human “software” to achieving SDGs ?

Solène Morvant-Roux, University of Geneva, Switzerland; Philip Mader, Institute of Development Studies, United Kingdom   This “traditional” paper session (with four or five presenters) will assemble research grappling with the interconnection of two current phenomena that affect poor people in developing countries. The first is the deepening of market-based and business-oriented forms of engagement with […]

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