Call for Sessions

Four conference themes:
Two basic formats to choose from:
Your session:

The ICRD 2017 encourages creative, interdisciplinary, and interactive sessions that offer visionary, transformative pathways to global sustainable development options. All sessions should refer to one or more of the conference themes. Sessions will be guided by a convenor and focus on one or more conference streams. The session convenor organizes the session, reviews the contributions, and chairs the session during the conference. Alternatively, the session convenor may appoint a special session moderator. Each session lasts 90 minutes and includes questions from the audience. After the session, convenors report the main outcomes/messages of their sessions to the moderator of the plenary dialogues. When submitting a session proposal, session convenors are requested to:

  1. Specify their chosen format and provide a session summary (500 words max.) including tentative contributions and presenters;
  2. Describe the input of their session into the conference theme (200 words max.);
  3. Specify which conference theme(s) their session belongs to.

In case the session proposal seeks funding for an experimental output-oriented interactive session please include

  1. a detailed plan on how the envisioned output will be achieved (500 words max.) as well as a short written explanation (250 words max.) as to why ICRD should support their session.

To submit your session proposal and to create a user account in ConfTool, please go to: